Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi (4K UHD/BLU-RAY Combo)
Experience the triumph of the Force in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. In the epic conclusion of the saga, the Empire prepares to crush the Rebellion with a more powerful Death Star while the Rebel fleet mounts a massive attack on the space station. Luke Skywalker confronts Darth Vader in a final climactic duel before the evil Emperor.
Feature Film Blu-ray Disc:
- Audio Commentary featuring George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
- Audio Commentary featuring archival cast and crew interviews
- Conversations: The Effects
- Discoveries from Inside: The Sounds of Ben Burtt
- Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi (1983)
- Revenge of the Jedi Teaser Trailer
- Return of the Jedi Launch Trailer
- It Began TV Spot
- Climactic Chapter TV Spot
- Tatooine Overview
- Endor Overview
- Harrison Ford Interview
- Death Star II Space Battle Overview
- Deleted Scenes