Betsy, The (US Import DVD-R)

Betsy, The (US Import DVD-R)

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US Import

Within the Hardeman family that runs the Bethlehem Motors auto empire, Angelo Perino's an outsider. But that won't stop him from bringing on line an innovative new car -- The Betsy -- and making his presence known from the boardroom to the bedroom. Making his presence known in an authoritative early-career performance as the iron-willed Perino is Academy Award -winner* Tommy Lee Jones, heading this Harold Robbins saga of boudoir-hopping and power-lusting among four generations of Hardemans. Laurence Olivier, Robert Duvall, Katharine Ross, Lesley-Anne Down and Jane Alexander are among the cast of this sleek foray into the world of the rich, the chic, the taboo and The Betsy.