British Cinema Collection Vol 2 Comedies (DVD)
Known for their consistently quirky characters, plots and settings, British comedy films are legend in producing some of the most famous and memorable comic actors and characters in the last fifty years.
Disc ONE: OUR GIRL FRIDAY (1953) - Three men and Joan Collins shipwrecked on a desert island! Run Time - 88 minutes DENTIST IN THE CHAIR (1960) - Two goofy dental students are tricked into selling stolen dental equipment. Run Time - 84 minutes
Disc Two: THE RUNAWAY BUS (1954) - When heavy fog prevents all aircraft from leaving London airport, a group of passengers take an airline bus to get them to an alternative airport. Run Time - 78 minutes CARRY ON ADMIRAL (1957) - Two friends get drunk and decide to switch identities. One is a public relations executive and the other is a captain of a ship. Run Time - 83 minutes TIME OF HIS LIFE (1955) - Richard Hearne is an ex-con father of a very proper British lady (Ellen Pollock). She keeps him locked in the attic so he won't wreak havoc on her daughter's birthday party. But he gets out... and wreaks havoc. Run Time - 74 minutes