Cocoanuts, The (US Import DVD)

Cocoanuts, The (US Import DVD)

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US Import

The Marx Brothers - Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and Zeppo - bring their signature chaos and comedic genius to the screen in their debut film, The Cocoanuts. Set in the opulent yet financially unstable Hotel de Cocoanut, Groucho stars as the scheming hotel manager, determined to swindle everyone from his staff to high-society guests like the charmingly gullible Mrs. Potter (Margaret Dumont). Meanwhile, Chico and Harpo arrive as crafty grifters with empty suitcases, ready to loot unsuspecting guests. Packed with sharp wit, slapstick antics, and memorable musical numbers composed by Irving Berlin, this hilarious classic features iconic routines such as Groucho's land auction, the uproarious "viaduct" exchange, and the chaotic engagement party of Polly Potter. A must-see for fans of timeless comedy!