Femme Respectable, Une (DVD)

Femme Respectable, Une (DVD)

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Trois-Rivières, 1930s. A woman separated from her husband for eleven years agrees to take him back into her home when her partner dies, but on the condition that she does not resume married life. Her husband brings with him the three little girls from his second marriage. Mrs. Lemay will become attached to the three children, but life together with her husband will be more and more difficult. Mrs. Lemay is still attracted to this seductive but unstable man who will eventually abandon her again, leaving her three daughters.

Trois-Rivières, années 1930. Une femme séparée de son mari depuis onze ans le reprend chez elle à la mort de sa concubine. Il amène avec lui les trois fillettes qu'il a eues de sa deuxième union.