Joseph and His Brethren (DVD)
"...his master's wife cast her eyes on Joseph, and she said, lie with me..." (Genesis 39:7) Woven out of a coat of many colors…Passion of every hue…And man's mightiest experiences…Comes the boldest spectacle of all!
From the pages of the Old Testament comes the story of Joseph, beloved son of Jacob and steadfast servant of God. He is presented as the favored son of Jacob and Rachel, sold as a boy into slavery by his brothers, who were jealous of Joseph's dreams and of his coat of many colors given him by Jacob. In Egypt, Joseph gained a position of authority in the household of his master, Potiphar, and was later imprisoned on the false accusations of Potiphar's wife. He was released after interpreting Pharaoh's dream of the lean and fat cows. Pharaoh renamed him Zaphnath-paaneah and took him into favor. Due to the obedience of Joseph to his God, Egypt is greatly blessed. Joseph's recognition of his brothers in the famine years when he was governor over Egypt is a famous scene.