Lost Prophet (BLU-RAY)
Awakening a captive to his dreams, James Burton struggles to survive in the wilderness of his mind. A distant mansion draws the dream-vagabond down the dark terrain of a New Age witch, punks, and a psychotic killer. Playing with self-destruction and death, the "Lost Prophet" faces his subconscious enemy with passive, child-like fascination.
Michael de Avila's film is an intense mood piece that adeptly seduces the viewer into a hypnotic state to experience the random curiosities and terrors of the mind. VHSHITFEST could not be happier to rescue this film from obscurity with a beautiful brand new film transfer that captures the breathtaking and spooky visuals.
directed by: Michael de Avila
starring: James Burton, James Tucker, Zandra Huston
1992 / 62 min / 1.78:1 / English DTS HD-MA 2.0
Additional info:
- Region Free Blu-ray
- New 4k transfer from the original 16mm camera negative
- Commentary with director Michael de Avila
- Lost Prophet original 1991 Cut transferred from the original BetaSP
- “Lost Prophet Found”: An Interview with Michael de Avila
- Interview with actor Jim Burton
- Photo & Press Gallery
- Trailers
- English SDH subtitles