Maximillian & Marie De Bourgogne (DVD)
A beautifully mounted miniseries of royal love and deception set during the Hapsburg Empire, Maximilian and Marie de Bourgogne is a feast for the senses. The year is 1477, and while the barbarism of the Middle Ages is slowly giving way to humanism and order, there are still mercenaries and foot-soliders and kings who soak the battlefields with their blood. When the Duke of Burgundy dies in battle, Mary (Christa Théret), his only child, intends to rule over the duchy despite the rule of masculine succession. The richest heiress in Europe, the sharp-minded young woman is coveted by various suitors. Maximilian of Hapsburg (Jannis Niewöhner), the young Austrian archduke, stubbornly opposes his father, the Roman Emperor Frederick III, who wants his son to marry the young Duchess of Burgundy. It is only after a perilous journey through a realm ravaged by war and the Black Death that Mary and Maximilian begin their flirtation. It is a love beset by jealousies and enemies, but also one under which the Burgundian Middle Ages transforms itself into the splendor of the Hapsburg empire at the beginning of modernity. Two lovers pave the way for the Renaissance, an era that is to change the world...