Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats (BLU-RAY)
US Import
How did alley cats Top Cat, Choo-Choo, Brain, Fancy-Fancy and Benny the Ball end up in the swanky mansion of Gertrude Vandergelt? What's Benny doing in a dog pound? And why are the conniving butler Snerdly and his mad wolfhound Rasputin out to get Benny? Get the breathless answers to these and other nutty questions in the fabulous feature-length animated caper Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats. What starts off as another ordinary day in Hoagie Alley's turns into an adventurous romp through Beverly Hills, with Top Cat and the gang riding in limos, attending lavish costume parties and saving the heir to the Vandergelt fortune! Original Top Cat series voice actors Arnold Stang (T.C.), Marvin Kaplan (Choo-Choo), Leo De Lyon (Spook and Brain) and John Stephenson (Fancy-Fancy) memorably reprise their roles.